Vernacular names
(In territories with significant traditional TRAMIL use)
- asorosi
- calaica
- cerasee
Trinidad and Tobago:
- corailee
- popololo
- sorrow seed
Puerto Rico:
- cundeamor
Dominican Republic:
- cundeamor
- cundeamor
- kokouli
Antigua and Barbuda:
- maiden blush
Costa Rica:
- sorosí
- sorosí
Other vernacular names
- Asorosi
- Asorosi/cundeamor
- Asosi
- Yesken
- Balsamina
- Calaica
- Cerasee
Trinidad and Tobago:
- Corailee = sorrow seed = popololo
Dominican Republic:
- Cuandiamor
- Cuendeamor
- Cundeamor
- Cundeamor
Puerto Rico:
- Cundeamor
- Kokouli
- Maiden apple cocouli
- Maiden's apple o pomme cooli
Antigua and Barbuda:
- Maiden Blush
- Paroka
- Sorosi
Costa Rica:
- Sorosi
- Sorosí
Botanical description
Climbing dioecious herb 6 m or more, usually densely branchedwith tendrils. Leaves alternate, simple 4-12 cm long, deeply5-7 lobed,sinuate with mucronate tips; inflorescence a raceme; female and male flowers yellow, peduncle shorter on female flower, bracts on male peduncle reniform to rounded-cordate; fruit cylindrical, narrowed at both ends, 8-15 cm long, prominent tubercles on the ribs, orange when ripe containing pendulous seeds covered in a red pulp; seed oblong 12-16 mm x 5-9 mm and 3-4 mm thick.
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